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Basingstoke Histories – Vol 4 – Fun and Frolics in 19th Century Basingstoke

 Bob Clarke     £5.00 

ISBN 978-0-9928074-4-3

A spotlight on the myriad of entertainments available for rich and poor alike. From grand society balls where Jane Austen danced the night away to the Michelmas fairs teeming with magicians, fortune tellers and fire-eaters, Victorian Basingstoke was anything but dull.

Basingstoke Histories – Vol 3 – The Basingstoke Volunteer Fire Brigade 1838-1941

 Bob Clarke     £5.00 

ISBN 978-0-9928074-3-6

The story of the Basingstoke Volunteer Fire Brigade and how they tackled fires in the town and the surrounding villages.

Basingstoke Histories – Vol 2 – An Act Of Iniquity

 Roger Ottewill     £5.00 

ISBN 978-0-9928074-2-9

The highly contentious Education Act of 1902 was described by the sixth Earl of Portsmouth as ‘An Act of Iniquity’. It gave Church of England schools privileges at the expense of rate payers. This book describes how the act impacted Basingstoke and how the conflicts that it gave rise to were resolved.

Basingstoke Histories – Vol 1 – The Great Basingstoke Typhoid Epidemic

 Bob Clarke     £5.00

ISBN 978-0-9928074-0-5

In 1905 a deadly outbreak of typhoid swept through Basingstoke. It was caused by a series of catastrophic errors which led to the contamination of the town’s water supply. The outbreak resulted in 170 people falling seriously ill – and 15 deaths. Drawing on contemporary records and newspaper reports, this book – the first in The Basingstoke Histories series – paints a vivid picture of the impact of the epidemic.

Drunkards, Thieves and Rioters – The Basingstoke Borough Police 1836 – 1889  

Bob Clarke     £10.00

ISBN 978-0-9508095-9-5

Drunkards, Thieves and Rioters describes a window of 50 years in Basingstoke’s history when the Borough had its own police force. Established in 1836 and absorbed into the Hampshire Constabulary in 1889, the Basingstoke Borough Police dealt with ne’er-do-wells including the bungling burgular of Basingstoke, the cork-legged swindler, assorted wild women and feral children.


ed Barbara Applin     £9.95

ISBN 978-0-9508095-7-1



Memories of people who worked or shopped at the Co-op, with plans and photos of various premises over the years, newspaper reports and adverts, showing how the development of the town and the Co-op  were intertwined over more than 100 years.

THE BASINGSTOKE RIOTS   Masagainians v The Salvation Army 1880-1883

Bob Clarke      £10.00

ISBN 978-0-9508095-6-4


A lively account of the coming of the Salvation Army to “open fire on sin and Satan”  in Basingstoke and the violent reactions of those who “massed again” to oppose them.The Riot Act was read and questions asked in Parliament.


ed Barbara Applin  £9.00

ISBN 978-0-9508095-5-7


Memories of Christmas in Basingstoke, including  postal deliveries on Christmas Day,children’s parties, carol-singing, Hospital Radio broadcasts and hospital pantomimes.


ROUNDABOUT BASINGSTOKE     Barbara Applin      £3.00

ISBN 978-0-9508095-1-2 Stories of Basingstoke’s many roundabouts – the highwayman, the Daneshill stones, the “Chineham Wave” etc.

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