
The Basingstoke Archaeological and Historical Society is a charity whose aims are to promote the study and understanding of the Archaeology and History of Basingstoke and its surrounding area.

We were established in 1971 and have been actively involved in Archaeological and Historical research projects within the Basingstoke and North Hampshire area ever since. As well as practical project work, we also organise regular visits and tours to explore places of interest further afield.

Society Lecture Meetings

We hold monthly meetings from September to June each year, and these incorporate a lecture on a archaeological or historical topic.

The first lecture in our 2024/2025 season will be at 7:30 pm on Monday 9th September when Andy and Jane King of the Winchester Archaeological Research Group will be explaining what they found under the manicured lawn in front of the main building at IBM’s Hursley Park research centre.

Excavations at Hursley Park

 Andy and Jane King – WARG


Finding Church Cottage and more about our lectures.

Registered Charity No: 1000263

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